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Media Ministry (Reaching poeple everywere by using media technology)


Our Conferences, Seminars, Servises in Europe and outside of Europe have always the primarily purpose to empower men and women of God who are in leadership position in our ministry, but is always also open for everyone and specially for our spiritual son's and all those who are active in the Christian work and-or who desire to grow in their spiritual life in the Church.

During our meetings we like to discusse Issues like: Why does unity demand reformation?
What is the cause of the systemic desfunction of the contemporary church? How does it militate against unity?
How does the church shift from an organizational to an organic paradigm?
What is the role of the Holy Spirit in re-forming the church?
How does the church shift from a pastoral paradigm to an apostolic paradigm?
What does the leadership of the city-church look like?
How does spiritual authority work? 
What are the roles of apostles and prophets in the city-church? 
Where do pastors fit in the new paradigm and more...

Media Services 1. Highlight Pastor Rendy (Dutch)


Van harte welkom. We hopen dat u de tijd neemt voor een nadere kennismaking. Binnen onze gemeente ligt de nadruk op het onderzoeken van de Bijbel, het Woord van God en een diepe relatie met Christus door de persoon van de Heilige Geest. We geloven dat dit een "must" is voor iedere gelovige om zo steeds meer naar Hem toe te groeien in kennis en genade. Daarom vindt u veel Bijbelstudie materialen op onze site. Daarnaast hebben we elkaar als broeders en zusters echt nodig om elkaar te bemoedigen, aan te scherpen, te helpen en een luisterend oor voor elkaar te hebben. We hopen u te ontmoeten op een van onze samenkomsten. Deze video is een highlight van de bediening Pastor Rendy en de Team van GEGM in Nederland, Ghana, Nepal, Pakistan en diverse plaatsen. God is machtig en trouw in alles wat Hij doet. Op deze site GEG WEB TV zal je verschillende sprekers te horen krijgen die door God is gebruikt afgelopen periode. "Het openen van uw woorden verspreidt licht, het geeft de onverstandigen inzicht".

Media Services 2. GEG-Ministries leadership & warfare Prayer conference


Spiritual Empowerment meeting where we have discusse Issues like:

Preparing & Effecting the nation by praying and proclaming God word

Thema: 5 Pivotal Paradigms for Nation Transformation

1. We are called to disciple nations, not just individuals.
2. The marketplace has been redeemed and now it must 
be reclaimed.
3. Labor is worship.
4. We are called to take the kingdom of God to where
the gates of Hades are for Christ Jesus to build His church.
5. Nation transformation must be tangible and the
premier social manifestation is the elimination of
systemic poverty.

Media Services 3. Transformation and Marketplace mission


Spiritual Empowerment meeting where we have discusse Issues like: Why does unity demand reformation?
What is the cause of the systemic desfunction of the contemporary church? How does it militate against unity?
How does the church shift from an organizational to an organic paradigm?
What is the role of the Holy Spirit in re-forming the church?
How does the church shift from a pastoral paradigm to an apostolic paradigm?
What does the leadership of the city-church look like?
How does spiritual authority work? 
What are the roles of apostles and prophets in the city-church? 
Where do pastors fit in the new paradigm

© 2028 by GEG-Ministries and Sanctuary Uniting Church Europe. Proudly created by our GEG-team


Contact information: Ps. Rendy Gerard +31- (0)6-11100226 || office: + 31-(0)40- 2377495 | board of pastors : 06-25401797 | youth leaders : 06-10952440  email youth :

Post address: Postbus 1453, 5602 BL Eindhoven, Netherlands, Europe. Services on different locations                                         

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