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City outreach Campagne 2025: We are coming to your City or a City near you during four Sundays after summer, from Sunday 7 september till 28 September 2025. You are more than welcome to join us during this time. For openair schedule during on those days, you can mail us at or call of app us on 06-25401797
From Sunday s January online service meetings with the thema Gods movement in 2025 from 09:00 till 10:00 online link and Radio.
Prayer meeting online for the year 2025. from 19 January 2025 Sunday till Saturday 25 January 2025. You are more than welcome to join us on those Prayer meetings together with all the leaders worldwide.
Every Monday meetings starting from November 7th Monday 2022. time 22:30 Netherlands and Caribbean time 17:30 (papiamentu) Every Tuesday on 19:30 NL-time and 1:30 Caribbean time, Every Wednesday on 21:00 and 15:00 Caribbean time. Come to Experience Jesus and the Joy of His Presence calling during this special meeting. Tell others and use a link online by
For all prayer the Monday, Tuesdays & Wednesday meetings we use the same link below
Zoom meeting:
Meeting ID: 872 3369 6668
Passcode: 239259
Fridays meeting and Every Fridays Vigil 12 hours night prayer gathering use the link below:
GEGM-Europe 2025's Zoom Friday Prayer & Vigil 12 hour gathering
Time: Every Friday from 3 January 2025 07:00 PM Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna
Join us on this Zoom Meeting link
Meeting ID: 458 366 4981
Passcode: qU1Egj
Friday’s prayer meeting international in English language for all the nations of the earth. Let us come together in unity and bring all our love ones to seek the face of our great God.

Beautiful Year to take the Gospel to the marktplace

A year to let the light shine
A year to teach the word of God and advancing the kingdom of God during the year 2023 - 2027

The great commission also for 2017

During vacationtime preach Christ
A great way to reach the lost is also during our vacation time. Let ask God for open doors

Christ for our town and home
Make Christ known also in our home surrounding, cities & region

Christ in the city
Time to take the Gospel to our cities and marketplace

continental art centre presentatie ruimte
Our place of gathering and conference place in R'dam. Taking the Gospel to the City of Rotterdam

During of sport event as a lifestyle
A lifestyle walk with Christ during all other activities

Psalm 32-8 during the whole Year
The Lord is watching over us

During our time of meditation
When we are taking time alone with the word of God

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